SEO in 2022 – 7 Trends You Absolutely Cannot Ignore

As the year is winding down and with 2022 right around the…

15 Common SEO Questions Answered Directly and Fluff-Free

Between inbound SEO questions sent through my agency’s…

User Experience: The Post-Pandemic Google Algorithm Update You Need to Optimize for Right Now

For those that follow SEO news -- and speculation -- you…

Noob Friendly 3-Step Process to Attract Free Google Traffic to Your New Website

Today I want to discuss a topic that every single person…

New Google Update: This is Why SERP Rankings Have Been Volatile Throughout the Pandemic

In the midst of the global pandemic Google rolled out one…

Why Covid-19 and the Coronavirus Presents a Massive SEO Opportunity

Now, first and foremost, I hope that you, your family and…

Thinking of Starting an SEO Agency in 2020? This is What I Would Do!

I owned an SEO agency many years ago that was eventually…

11 White Hat Link Building Strategies That Work in 2020

White hat link building strategies are one of the most…

Beyond Links: 8 SEO Factors You Also Need to Focus On In 2020

For those of you that have been reading this blog since its…

10 Things Every Link Building Campaign Needs to Focus On in 2020

I have worked with thousands of clients throughout my…